Your Baby Betta is going to have far higher caloritic needs then an adult Betta. They are still growing and need both the building blocks to grow as well as the daily energy to be a rambunctious trouble maker. You are going to need to feed them more frequently then…
Betta Fish Care
Baby Betta Care: Preparing a Tank
When your brand new Baby Betta arrives they will be around 2-3 months of age and about the size of the the first joint of your finger from “nose” to tail. They are much smaller on average than an adult and you need to keep that in mind when designing…
Feeding Frozen: When you only have one or a few Betta
We can all agree that frozen food is the best for your Betta, but sometimes it is hard to feed it when you have only a few or one fish since the large cubes or flat packs are more intended for feeding out a large number of fish. Or perhaps…
Female Betta Sorority Starter Guide
Male Betta cannot be housed together with other male Betta or long term with female Betta. They are extremely aggressive and often do not do well with any other tank mates of a fish variety. The same however is not entirely true of the female Betta who can often be…
How to recognize and help a stressed Betta.
Recognizing Signs of Stress In Betta Female showing Stress Stripes A stressed Betta is generally easy to recognize. They will often be listless staying in one area of their tank, typically the bottom of the tank. They may Female showing stress stripes. appear discolored. Usually a stressed Betta will be…
Betta Tanks: Is A Lid Required
Betta Fish are notorious jumpers, this is especially true of the fighter style plakat and HMPK. If you want to go sans lid on your Betta’s tank you will NEED to drop the water level significantly. Honestly its safer all around for you to keep a lid on your Betta…
Water Lettuce is TOXIC to Betta Fish.
Water Lettuce is a fast growing floating plant that is common in the fish keeping world. It is so fast growing that is banned in many states in all forms including AL, FL, CA, LA, MS, TX, and WI. This is less due to the toxicity and more due to…
Quick Care Guide For Betta Fish
Quick Care Guide for Betta Fish Betta Fish are arguably the most popular and controversial fresh water fish in the fishkeeping hobby. They are abundant, nearly every pet store and at one time even Walmarts and dollar stores would sell them. They are beautiful, with so many varieties of tail…
Feeding Your Betta Fish
In the wild a wild Betta enjoys a diet of insects most of which comes in the form of mosquito larva. Your Betta is an insectivore. They cannot and generally will not sustain themselves on plants, despite what some myths would have you believe. There are many commercially available foods…
Yes, Your Betta Needs A Heater
The question on whether a heater is needed to house a betta fish is one we get often, Many try to point out the fish “do fine in the pet store in a cup at room temperature” or that we do not employ heaters in our cups as an excuse…