2023 Spawn Log

#1 –

Turquoise Blue Rose HM Buttefly x Royal Blue HM

Turquoise Rose HM Butterfly Male
Royal Blue HM Female

9/17/23 – Male placed in breeding tank.

9/19/23 – Male has built nice nest. Released female into tank. Female displaying breeding bars.

9/20/23 – Eggs found in nest, small clutch estimate around 30. Female hiding, some fins torn on female. Male appears undamaged. Male is tending nest. Removed female.

9/23/23 – Wigglers seen in nest, male has moved the nest to the back of the tank.  Male is tending.

9/25/23 – Fry are free floating. Removed male. Added Vinegar eels.

9/29/23 – Have not seen fry, but the clutch was small and is in a 10 gallon so there is a good chance they are just hiding well. Swapped fron eels to BBS. Will continue to add BBS daily and keep an eye out for signs of fry.

10/4/23 – No sign of living fry, spawning tank reset for next spawn.


#2 –

Black White Bicolor HM M x Black White Bicolor HM F

10/09/23 – Placed male in spawning tank A.

10/12/23 – Female released with male.

10/17/23 – No spawn, tank reset.







#3 –

Mustard Gas HM M x Mustard Gas HM F


10/09/23 – Male released in spawn tank B.

10/12/23 – Female released with male.

10/17/23 – No spawn, tank reset.







#4 –

Yellowgold BSE HM M x Yellow CTPK F


10/09/23 – Male released into spawn tank C.

10/10/23 – Male making bubblenest.

10/12/23 – Released Female in with Male.

10/17/23 – No spawn, tank reset.






#5 –

Black/Blue/Red BF HM M x Blue Red Bicolor HM F

10/09/23 – Male released to spawn tank.

10/11/23 – Male making bubble nest. Water in spawn tank tested high for ammonia and nitrates so 75% water change was done. Rested fine, water level was dropped.

10/12/23 – Female released with male.

10/17/23 – No spawn, tank reset.





#6 –

Yellow Koi HM M x Yellow Koi HMPK F

10/09/23 – Male released to spawn tank.

10/12/23 – Female released to spawn tank. Lots of courtship behavior observed.

10/13/23 – Male being very rough with female having wrap issues, switched for Yellow Koi HMPK M.

10/17/23 – Eggs in nest. Female removed.

10/20/23 – Wigglers in nest, male tending well.

Future Updates on Spawn Post




#7 –

Blue/Black BF HM M x Red Avatar HMPK F

10/09/23 – Male released to spawn tank.

10/12/23 – Female released to spawn tank.

10/17/23 – No spawn, tank reset.







#8 –

Mustard Gas M M x Blue Marble CT F

10/20/23 – Added male to tank w/ heater set at 82 degrees.

10/22/23 – Added female to tank in breeder box.

10/23/23 – Female released.

10/27/23 – Wigglers seen, female removed.

10/29/23 – Fry freeswimming, male removed.

10/30/23 – Massive unexplained nitrite spike, no live fry seen after extensive search. Tank reset.




#9 –

Yellow CT M x Chocolate CTPK F

10/25/23 – Male released to tank.

10/26/23 – Female added to breeder box.

10/27/23 – Male building bubblenest, female released.

10/29/23 – Wigglers seen, female removed.

11/2/23 – Fry are clearly free swimming now, father removed. Small amount of BBS and vinegar eels added.

11/3/23 – Seems to be a sizable spawn, at least 50-100 babies. They are very active and very hungry but also noticeable smaller than previous fry at the same age.

Future Updates on Spawn



#10 –

Black Orchid HM M x Avatar Red HMPK F

10/24/23 – Male released to breeding tank.

10/25/23 – Female added to breeder box.

10/26/23 – Bubble nest built, lots of flirting, female showing bars. Female released.

10/28/23 – Wigglers seen female removed. Unexplained nitrite spike seen, safe/stability added.

11/1/23 – Fry free swimming, male removed.

11/3/23 – Fry seen swimming still, added vinegar eels and small amount of BBS. These fry are about twice the size of the yellow CT spawn.

Future updates on spawn.




#11 –

Lavender HM M x Cambodian HM F

10/24/23 – Male released to breeding tank.

10/28/23 – Water change done, female placed in breeding box.

10/29/23 – Bubblenest and flirting observed, female released.

11/1/23 – Eggs seen in nest.

11/2/23 – Female staying far from nest, removed.

11/3/23 – Wigglers seen in nest, dad doing a good job watching them.

11/5/23 – Fry free swimming, dad removed. Vinegar eels and small amount of BBS added to tank.

Future updates on spawn.




#12 –

Blue Red Bicolor HM M x Red Koi HMPK F


10/23/23 – Male released to tank.

10/26/23 – Female added to breeder box.

10/27/23 – Male building nest, female released her self and jumped out of box.

10/29/23 – Eggs observed in nest, mother hanging away from nest. Mother removed.

10/30/23 – Eggs not seen nor wigglers in nest. Father has built nest in far back so it could just be too hard to see them.

11/3/23 – Pretty sure this spawn was a bust, will reset tank tomorrow if no definitive signs of fry are seen.

11/4/23 – No spawn, tank reset.



#13 –

Red Koi HM M x Koi HM F


11/03/2023 – Male released to tank.

11/05/2023 – Water change preformed.

11/07/2023 – Female released to tank.

11/08/2023 – Male has built nest, female observed hiding. No eggs in nest.

11/09/2023 – Eggs in nest, female staying in front, male staying with nest. Female removed.

11/10/2023 – Wigglers seen in nest, dad haphazardly watching over them.

11/12/2023 – Fry free swimming, HUGE spawn 100+, dad removed.

11/16/2023 – Fry still doing well, spawn remains large, vinegar eels being added 2x daily.

Future Spawn Updates.




Blue Red Bicolor HM M x Teal Blue CT F


We do not have a photo of the female available. But she is a solid color metallic teal crowntail.

11/5/2023 – Tank reset, water change preformed. Male left from last attempt.

11/7/2023 – Female introduced. Female was pulled from sorority a few days before because she was being very aggressive with the other females all of a sudden. She showed immediate willingness to mate and was very forward with the male.

11/8/2023 – Eggs in nest, female staying away from nest in front of tank. Male has built nest in back again. This is a completely new nest as the previous one was destroyed. Female removed.

11/10/2023 – No eggs found on search, no wigglers seen. This is the second spawn that has had eggs and then the eggs mysteriously disappeared. Suspected male is eating them. Male will be booted from breeding program and tank reset.






Black Orchid CT M x Blue Marble CT F


11/09/2023 – Male released to tank.

11/11/2023 – Male built bubblenest, very lively. Female released.

11/12/2023 – No eggs seen, female seen hiding.

11/14/2023 – Female pulled, do not believe that any breeding took place.







Yellow DS HM M x Yellow DS HM F

Photos not available.

11/09/2023 – Male released to breeding tank.

11/10/2023 – Female released to tank.

11/12/2023 – Eggs seen in nest, female and male still spawning.

11/13/2023 – Eggs no longer in nest, female seen hanging in nest ignored by father, believe she may have eaten them. Female pulled. Likely spawn has failed.



Mustard Gas HM M x Mustard Gas HM F


11/11/2023 – Male released to tank.

11/13/2023 – Female added to tank in breeder box.

11/14/2023 – Female has leapt from breeder box into tank. Box removed. Female showing vertical bars and flirting with male.

11/16/2023 – Female hanging at front of tank, make tending nest. Female remoced.

11/18/2023 – Wigglers seen in nest.

12/4/2023 – Spawn doing well medium sized spawn around 50-75 fry.

Future updates on spawn.




Yellow Koi HMPK M x Yellow Koi HMPK F


11/16/2023 – Male released to breeding tank.

11/18/2023 – Female placed in breeder box in tank.

11/19/2023 –  Eggs in nest, male attending well. Female removed.

12/4/2023 – Spawn is doing well, eating well. Large spawn around 80-100 fry.

Future Spawn Updates.









Black Rose HM M x Black Rose HM F

11/16/2023 – Male release to tank.

11/18/2023 – Female released to breeder box in tank.

12/4/2023 – Male and female spawned on Nov 19th. Spawn was small and only one fry survived.

12/11/2023 – Correction 4-8 fry survived. Fry growing very quickly, will be moved to Grow Out Tank B very soon. Will not make a spawn page for such a small spawn though.







Black Copper HM M x Black White CT F


11/28/2023 – Male place into spawn tank.

11/30/2023 – Female released into spawn tank.

12/1/2023 – Eggs in nest, female removed.

12/3/2023 – Wigglers seen in nest, father attending.

12/6/2023 – Fry free swimming, appears to be small spawn, dad removed.

12/11/2023 – Spawn still kicking it is a small spawn probably around 20.

12/27/2023 – Spawn doing well.

Future Updates





Black Rose CT M x Black Orchid CT F


12/3/2023 – Male released to spawn tank.

12/4/2023 – Female introduced in Breeder Box.

12/5/2023 – Male created bubblenest, released female to tank. Flirting behaviour observed.

12/7/2023 – Female hanging at front, male hanging under nest acting like hes taking care of eggs. Female seems less eggy. Assume they have spawned, removed female.

12/11/2023 – Father no longer hanging around nest, not sure if there are fry but will remove him tomorrow and feed as if there are to see if there are any over the next week or so.

12/27/2023 – Small spawn, doing well.







Green Butterfly HM M x Blue Marble HMPK F


12/1/2023 – Male released to breeding tank.

12/2/2023 – Female released to breeder box in tank.

12/4/2023 – No nest seen, female released to tank.

12/5/2023 – Not much activity between the two, will try adding mirror for a while to stimulate territorial aggressive.

12/9/2023 – No mating behaviour seen, both pulled. Tank reset.





Yellow HM M x Yellow HM F


12/4/2023 – Male released to tank.

12/9/2023 – No real mating behaviour seen, no nest built.Pulled female.

12/10/2023 – Pulled male, he never built nest. After pulling male saw some clusters of eggs in different parts of the tank so added hornwort to hopefully get them to freeswimming stage without their dead beat father.

12/11/2023 – Eggs have become wigglers. Estimate about 20.

12/27/2023 – Spawn doing well.

Future Updates on Spawn





Yellow CT x Chocolate CTPK


12/14/2023 – Male released to spawn tank.

12/16/2023 – Female added to breeder box in tank.

12/18/2023 – Male appears to be guarding nest no sign of female and I did not want to disturb him too much. Will look more for her later and remove her.

12/19/2023 – Female removed.

12/20/2023 – Male removed.

Future Updates on Spawn.









Mustard Gas HM x Yellow Green Clown HMPK F


12/14/2023 – Male released to spawn tank.

12/16/2023 – Female added to breeder box, swapped females from the HM MG to a Green appearing (yellow over blue) with yellow marble female with some white dragon scaling around the face. She was more eggy than the originally planned female. Will photo the female after spawn attempt if any spawn occurs.

12/18/2023 – Male is guarding nest, cannot see if eggs are in it but his behaviour suggest there are. Removed female placed her in photo tank to get photos of her later.

12/22/2023 – Spawn is doing well, removed male.

12/27/2023 – Spawn is doing well, seems to be a larger spawn.

Future Updates on Spawn.







Black Rose HMBlack Rose F


12/15/2023 – Added male to tank.

12/16/2023 – Added female to breeder box in tank.

12/17/2023 – Male guarding nest, obvious eggs seen. Female removed.

12/19/2023 – Male removed.

12/27/2023 – Small spawn doing well.

1/5/2024 – Spawn has appeared to die out. No fry seen after intense search. Tank reset.


































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