To better meet the delivery expectations of our customers we are changing out shipping policy effective July 10th 2021. Our STANDARD shipping will no longer be USPS Priority only, but rather whichever carrier and service level has the fastest delivery time within the range of the shipping fee with a preference to guaranteed delivery times. Our goal is to see our Betta deliveries get to their destination within 2 days of handoff of the package to the carrier more than 80% of the time.  This may result in slightly higher shipping in the future but we are aiming to keep shipping prices as close to the $18 mark we currently have setup.

We are also exploring free shipping, if we do this, prices on fish will go up to spread this change out but for the moment we are going to work on getting our fish to their new homes as quickly as possible. Please note this does not change the requirement for overnight shipping on our non labyrinth fish. All non Betta fish must still go overnight. We have also been able to slightly lower our shipping prices with UPS which you should see reflected immediately.


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