Shipping outlook for this week looks favorable for most of the country with exception of the Northeast. Please check your email this evening for confirmation if your orders will be shipping tomorrow. Most shipments WILL be shipping tomorrow. The shipping window for this week is now closed. All new orders will ship on the next shipping date (barring weather issues) which is Feb 5th.

The Lavender Dumbo spawn continues to thrive. It appears of the 7 pairs we put together during our last attempted spawning only 1 has successfully resulted in fry. We are holding off on declaring the orange koi spawn as a failure as we did see fry in the first days after the spawn but none have been seen since. The tank is heavily planted and we plan to do a thorough check before declaring that spawn dead. Fry are accounted for in this pairing:

We have reset 3 spawn tanks yesterday and plan to reset the remaining 2-3 (depending on the disposition of the orange koi spawn) later today. We are still evaluating which fish to pair but we have decided already on these  pairings:


We have already started adding new fish to the website we expect to add about 30 new fish by the end of the week the majority of which will be female. We have an incoming shipment in early Feb and need to move out abotu 15 culls. If you have been eyeing buying a cull fish now would be the time because we have some very nice culls who are just a bit too old to be sold or who refuse to take photos because they freak out in the photo tanks including some really nice HM Avatars and Yellow HM. You have the best chance of getting a HM cull if you order before Friday as we currently have more HM culls than plakats. This is the last call on these guys though as we HAVE to make room Friday.

The Yellow CT, Yellow HM, and MG spawns are doing amazingly well they will be being moved to Growout D later today.


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